It’s that time of year – the Top Docs issue is here! Washingtonian Magazine has published their annual listing of Top Docs in the metropolitan area. Eleven of Anderson Orthopaedic Clinic’s physicians have been named, each nominated by their peers. While we think that all of our docs are the bee’s knees (get it? – knee), we send a special congratulations to Drs. John Albrigo, Nigel Azer, George Branche, Kevin Fricka, Nitin Goyal, William Hamilton, Ryan Hubbard, Jeffrey Lovallo, Sameer Nagda, Oliver Schipper and Corey Wallach. We strive for individualized patient-centered care for each and every person we treat. We are extremely honored to be acknowledged in this highly esteemed group and will continue to put our best foot (pun intended) forward. Hip (we’re on a roll), hip, hooray! Don’t give us the cold shoulder (yep!); come back (ah!) to see us real soon.