
What's New at Anderson Orthopaedic Clinic

Does a Herniated Disc Require Surgery?

Does a herniated disc require surgery? While the condition sounds serious—and often causes pain, numbness, or weakness—surgery isn’t always the answer. Sometimes referred to as a bulging, slipped, ruptured, or protruding disc, every year more than three million Americans suffer with a herniated disc. But the question remains: does everyone with a herniated disc need

Introducing “Your Health, Our Focus: Live Conversations” on Facebook Live!

At Anderson Orthopaedic Clinic, we’re dedicated to empowering our patients with knowledge and insights to make informed decisions about their health. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new Facebook Live series, “Your Health, Our Focus: Live Conversations.” Join us on the 3rd Wednesday of every month for live discussions with our

Will Shoulder Pain Go Away on Its Own?

Every once in a while you wake up with a weird twitch in your shoulder. You grab your cup of coffee and before you even finish it, you have forgotten all about that pain. That’s not what we’re talking about. We mean shoulder pain that is more serious and doesn’t go away in 15 minutes.

New Silver Spring Location Coming Soon!

We’re thrilled to announce the upcoming opening of our new clinic in Silver Spring, MD! This new location will allow us to expand our reach and provide even more personalized care to our community. At this location, patients can look forward to the same exceptional care and dedication that we prioritize at all our clinics.

Orthopedic Guide For High School Football Players

Every high school football player, their parents, and their coach want to have a successful season, and that means first and foremost one without any injuries. Only then can you be in your best physical shape to play the game and stay in the game. It doesn’t just happen. It takes planning and guidance. Let’s

man with rupture achilles tendon.

Surgical Treatment for Achilles Ruptures: What to Know

The Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon in our body. It links the heel bone to the calf muscles, enabling activities like walking, running, and jumping. Achilles tendon injuries are common, especially in athletes and physically active individuals. The most frequent injury is Achilles tendinitis, where the tendon becomes inflamed due to overuse, sudden increases

man doing shoulder stretches.

What Can I Do to Prevent Shoulder Injuries?

Most of us don’t think much about our shoulders. That is until one of them begins to hurt. We also don’t think about the fact that our every move affects this very complex shoulder joint. You can injure your shoulder playing all types of sports, but you can also cause a painful result from reaching

Four pickleball players rally against each other as one attempts to return a shot while his opponents step toward the non-volley zone.

Pickleball and Shoulder Injuries: What to Know

Pickleball and Shoulder Injuries: What to Know Pickleball, Smickleball! If you haven’t heard of pickleball, you must be living on another planet. It is one of the most popular sports today for older Americans. It doesn’t take a lot of practice to learn how to play since it’s part tennis, part badminton, and part ping

woman with wrist pain.

Your Guide to Managing Joint Pain in the Summer Heat

If this title about managing joint pain in the summer heat has raised your eyebrows, you aren’t alone. Many people consider the winter cold and harsh damp climate as the triggers for joint pain and arthritis. Maybe even some of those with arthritis. Learn more about managing joint pain in the summer heat with advice